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    Shërbim Konsulence

    Albanian Confindustria, provides consultancy services for: registration, protection, transfer, licensing, selling and investigation of the (IP) Intellectual Property (patents of inventions, national and international Trademark, copyright and any other object that is included in the IP). Insurance (TPL, Third Party Liability, all Risks, bond and garanties). More: Distinguished members You communicate that we added in

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    Rajonale dhe EU

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    Profile kompanie Oferta dhe kerkesa Faqe interneti

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    Companies dislike the term ‘turnaround consulting’ because it represents failure. The truth is that turnaround consulting represents success.

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    Bonds and commodities are much more stable than stocks and trades. We allow our clients to invest in the right bonds & commodities.

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    Audit and assurance is all about meticulous data analysis. Everything needs to be checked, double checked, and triple checked.

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    This allows us to specialize in all dimensions of trades and stocks, because we have a specialist within the team for every scenario.

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    Strategic Planning

    We work with our clients and do a deep analysis of their business. We help prepare possible outcomes to different decisions.

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    This stops companies from taking drastic measures like downsizing or closing down sites; those things happen only with no.

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    We allow you to enter international waters without having to worry about making a mistake, as experience.

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    Execution is the single most important part of the whole process, poor execution can result in a lot of lost time and money.

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    About Us

    We counsel our clients on their key strategic issues, leveraging our deep industry expertise and using analytical rigor to help them make informed decisions more quickly and solve their toughest and most critical business problems.

    Founded in London in 1983 by three partners, we now employ more than 1,000 professionals worldwide. We advise and support global companies that are leaders in their industries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.


    Marrëveshje Bashkëpunimi

    Projekti INERRAnT

    Në vitet e fundit, vendet e kanë kuptuar rëndësinë e bastit për sipërmarrjen inovative, duke promovuar nisjen e kompanive bazuar në aktivitetet kërkimore të të rinjve, kërkuesve, filluesve. Megjithatë, në territoret e përfshira në këtë Program, mungesa e financimit dhe mundësive të rrjetëzimit pengojnë këto ndërmarrje të rriten. Për më tepër, qendrat kërkimore shpesh nuk dinë si t’i kthejnë idetë e suksesshme në produkte dhe shërbime konkrete.
    Ky projekt synon të krijojë një ekosistem inovativ, të ndërlidhur me aktorët kërkimor dhe sipërmarrës në logjikën publike-private, të aftë për të nxitur dialogun midis territoreve të ndryshme, të përmirësojë veprimet kërkimore bashkëpunuese, të mbështesë mobilitetin e talenteve dhe për të forcuar kapacitetin e tërheqjes së kapitaleve private.



    Would you like to speak to one of our financial advisers over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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