How to do business in the EU? How to export to the EU? Internationalization of companies; European standards and certifications. Renewable energy and green certificates. European business library in the church. European Business Organizations.
Honourable Members,
Albanian Confindustria, through certified consultants, provides consultancy services for: How to do business in the EU? How to export to the EU? Pratik customs. European markets, raw materials, technologies, supply-demand of European products. Internationalization of companies in foreign markets. European standards and certifications. Renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass, hydro), Laws of refunds to renewable energy and green certificates. European business library in KISH. European Business Organizations.
Can consult our offices at: Ismail Qemali Street, Pall. Fratari No. 30, Tirana
Tel: +355 4 2272 290, fax: +355 4 2250 269, mob: +355 682021894,
Email: f.affairs @
Si te bejme biznes ne EU? Si te eksportojme ne EU? Pratikat doganore. Internacionalizimi i kompanive; Standartet dhe certifikimet Europiane. Energjia e rinovueshme dhe Certifikata e Gjelbert. Biblioteka e biznesit Europian ne KISH. Organizmat Europian te Biznesit.
Te nderuara anetare,
Konfindustria Shqiptare, nepermjet Konsulenteve te certifikuar, afron sherbimin e konsulences per:Si te bejme biznes ne EU? Si te eksportojme ne EU? Pratikat doganore. Tregjet Europiane, Lenda e pare, Teknologjite, Oferte-kerkesa e produkteve Europiane. Internacionalizimi i kompanive ne tregjet e huaja. Standartet dhe certifikimet Europiane. Energjia e rinovueshme, (diellore, e eres, biomasa, hidrike) Ligjet e ribursimit te energjise se rinovueshme dhe Certifikata e Gjelbert. Biblioteka e biznesit Europian ne KISH. Organizmat Europian te Biznesit.
Mund te konsultoheni ne zyrat tona ne:Rr Ismail Qemali, Pall. Fratari nr 30, Tirane
tel: +355 4 2272 290, fax: +355 4 2250 269, mob: +355 682021894,