Tel: 00355 4 2223991; 00355682021894

Qendra Kryesore E Biznesit Ne Shqiperi.

Consulting Service:Shërbim Konsulence:

Albanian Confindustria, provides consultancy services for: registration, protection, transfer, licensing, selling and investigation of the (IP) Intellectual Property (patents of inventions, national and international Trademark, copyright and any other object that is included in the IP).
Insurance (TPL, Third Party Liability, all Risks, bond and garanties).

Distinguished members
You communicate that we added in the services offered members, consulting services for:
Registration, protection, transfer, licensing, selling and investigation of the (IP) Intellectual Property (patents of inventions, national & international Trademark, copyright and any other object that is included in the IP).
Home and abroad, Europe and the United States of America.
For IP representation before courts at all levels, as well as Albanian and training at European businesses.
Representation before the European Patent Office in Munich Innovation (Germany) as well as scientific evaluation of your new ideas, innovations in your business, and finding market for them.
Insurance (TPL, Third Party Liability, all Risks, bond and garanties).

For Members have service tariff reduction

Confindustria in collaboration with foreign institutions and the country, serves you in applying for reimbursement of costs from 50% to 75%
Can consult our offices at: Ismail Qemali Street, Pall. Fratari No. 30, Tirana
Tel: +355 4 2272 290, fax: +355 4 2250 269, mob: +355 682021894,
Email: f.affairs @
Konfindustria Shqiptare, nepermjet Konsulenteve te certifikuar, afron sherbimin e konsulences per: Regjistrim, mbrojtje, transferim, liçencim, shitje dhe investigim te (IP) Prones Intelektuale (patentave te shpikjeve,Markave tregtare kombetare e nderkombetare, copyright si dhe çdo objekt tjeter qe perfshihet ne IP).
Sigurimet, ( TPL, Third Party Liability, all risks, bond and garanties).

Te nderuara anetare
Ju komunikojme se kemi shtuar ne sherbimet e ofruara anetareve, sherbimin e konsulences per:
Regjistrim,mbrojtje, transferim, liçencim, shitje dhe investigim te (IP) Prones Intelektuale (patentave te shpikjeve, Markave tregtare kombetare & nderkombetare, copyright si dhe çdo objekt tjeter qe perfshihet ne IP).
Brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise, Evrope dhe Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikes.
Perfaqesim per IP perpara Gjykatave te te gjitha niveleve, shqiptare dhe Evropiane si dhe trajnime prane bizneseve.
Perfaqesim perpara Zyres Evropiane te Patentave te Shpikjeve ne Mynih (Gjermani) si dhe vleresim shkencor te ideve tuaja te reja, inovacioneve ne biznesin tuaj, si dhe gjetje tregu per to.
Sigurimet, ( TPL, Third Party Liability, all risks, bond and garanties).

Per Antaret ka ulje te tarifes se sherbimit
Konfindustria Shqiptare ne bashkepunim me Institucionet te huaja dhe te vendit, Ju sherben edhe ne aplikimin per rimbursim te kostos nga 50% deri ne 75%.

Mund te konsultoheni ne zyrat tona ne:Rr Ismail Qemali, Pall. Fratari nr 30, Tirane
tel: +355 4 2272 290, fax: +355 4 2250 269, mob: +355 682021894,

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